April 2024

On April 11th, Crossroads Clinic hosted its 17th Annual Fundraising Banquet, “A Welcoming Heart,” at The Dominion House in Guthrie.

In a gathering of 200 people, champions of the unborn and proponents of life saw a glimpse of what God is doing through our efforts and the efforts of our local Christian community. Brett Attebery shared a powerful message encouraging all to be a voice for the unborn. Attendees walked away from the evening feeling encouraged and uplifted. We were also blessed with wonderful testimonies of lives saved from abortion.

On such testimony was that of Britney. She came to Crossroads alone, afraid, and unsure of how she was going to parent as a young, single woman with no family in the state. Determined to end the pregnancy because of her less-than-ideal circumstances, she had a change of heart upon seeing her unborn baby’s beating heart during her ultrasound. That combined with the non-judgmental love and support she received from staff and volunteers helped Britney decide that life was the best choice not only for her baby but for herself as well.

Since coming to Crossroads, Britney has joined a local church and has been surrounded by caring individuals and a church body rallying around her. Soon to deliver her baby boy in May, Britney is forever grateful for the advice, encouragement, and love she has received at Crossroads.

Please continue to pray for more moms like Britney. Pray that the Lord would lead them to Crossroads to find the information and love that leads to life!

Whoever welcomes one of these little children in My name welcome Me… ~ Mark 9:37 NIV


Blessings in Christ and for LIFE,
Linda Stewart,
Executive Director
OKC and Guthrie