Abortion Recovery

Crossroads Clinic is here to help people who have experienced a past abortion find restoration and healing


Abortion is a traumatic event. Every experience is unique, but the impact is often the same. Men and women who suffer from post-abortion trauma often have issues with anxiety, anger, nightmares or insomnia, remorse, guilt and grief. Sixty-five percent of post-abortive women suffer from depression. Others turn to drugs, alcohol and even suicide. In fact, suicide rates are 6 times higher after an abortion. The after effects continue to affect relationships with spouses, subsequent children and God.


Find Healing & Forgiveness in Christ

Crossroads Clinic provides support, information and a safe place for those wounded by past abortion to find forgiveness and healing. Women of all ages struggling with past abortions can take part in Passages, our Post Abortion Counseling and Recovery Program – an 8-week course at Crossroads to work through their grief and find forgiveness in Christ. Believers who participate often renew their commitment to Christ and non-believers often discover God’s love and accept His gift of mercy. To find out more about Passages , please email Crossroads Clinic.

Steps to Healing

  1. Break through denial
  2. Working through guilt and experiencing God’s forgiveness
  3. Releasing anger and forgiveness toward yourself or anyone else who was involved in the abortion
  4. Grieving the loss of your aborted child
  5. Learning how to focus on Christ instead of focusing inward on your loss and pain

Stories of Healing

I found healing and forgiveness from the Lord through a post-abortive Bible study and am able to offer it to others through this ministry. The clients who come to pro-life pregnancy centers are my heart and have been for 16 years now. The Lord used the ashes of my past to lead me into volunteering as a client advocate, post-abortion recovery facilitator, abstinence presenter and as a trainer of wonderful volunteers in this compassionate ministry.

-Yvonne Morris
a post-abortive woman who’s been forgiven and set free

I feel the Bible study program has helped me tremendously to face past issues, to accept myself after making such a terrible mistake, to feel God’s forgiveness, to receive healing and to learn through Biblical example how much God loves me. I’m thankful to God for His Son Jesus, who provided a way out through Calvary.


Help Set Them Free

Many Oklahoma women have had abortions since 1973.  With Oklahoma women still seeking abortion in neighboring states , there is still a great need for abortion recovery in our community. Help set free the post-abortive men and women in our community. Donate to help fund two, 8-week sessions planned at Crossroads Clinic each year. Volunteers filled with compassion and sympathy for post-abortive women are also needed to provide hope and healing.