March 2024

After the cold and lifeless winter months, spring is a welcome visitor. This season is often hailed as the time of new life in which we witness rejuvenation, growth, and renewal as the world begins to blossom. The longer days and warmer temperatures of spring provide the perfect conditions for life to thrive.

Beyond the natural world, spring carries a symbolic significance; it represents hope, growth, and the cycle of life. It’s a time for new beginnings. Ultimately, spring serves as a reminder that even after periods of darkness and dormancy, there is always the promise of renewal and the opportunity for new life to bloom.

At Crossroads, we celebrate this season of new life in a different context. For those mothers who choose to save their babies from the darkness and death that is abortion, we see the promise and opportunity for new life in the most miraculous way.

A woman who recently came to Crossroads had determined that she wanted to terminate her pregnancy. The tiny, unborn baby that had been growing and developing in her womb, would be robbed of the opportunity to continue its life’s journey that had begun at conception. However, things changed in the ultrasound room. The images on the large screen revealed that the tiny baby she thought she was carryingwas actually 24 weeks old. The ultrasound images were so clear that it was obvious that she was carrying a little boy – a little boy, full of life with a beating heart, wiggly limbs, and fingers & toes. Instead of seeing the pregnancy as a problem she wanted to end, she saw a baby she determined to keep.

Please join us in praying for the moms who step into our clinic everyday. Pray that they would see that life has already begun in their womb. Pray that they would be convicted by the Holy Spirit to make the choice to support that life as it continues to grow.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. ~ John 10:10


Blessings in Christ and for LIFE,
Linda Stewart,
Executive Director
OKC and Guthrie