June- July 2024

At Crossroads, we love sharing the incredible “save” stories we experience daily. However, it’s also important to shed light on the less pleasant reality. Despite the 2022 abortion ban in Oklahoma, abortions are still happening in our state. There’s a common misconception that abortion only affects a specific demographic—women of a certain race, income, education level, etc. In reality, we see women seeking abortions who don’t necessarily fit into those “usual suspect” categories.

For example, we recently met with a mother of two. Although married for 20 years and active in her local church, she fell into an adulterous relationship with another church member, and she got pregnant as a result. Both she and the father of the baby visited Crossroads on two separate clinic visits. In addition to providing ultrasound services and abortion education materials to the pair, client advocates discussed candidly with both the woman and the man about the spiritual implications of deciding to abort. They were clearly in a tough spot – choosing to keep the child meant their affair would be exposed to their spouses and church, but ending the pregnancy would be sinful and impact their relationship with the Lord as they carried the secret and guilt of choosing abortion. The father of the baby acknowledged that to abort the baby would be a sin, but said he would support the woman in whatever she chose. Sadly, in the end, the choice to abort was made.

During that same period, a young professional woman, soon to be working in the medical field, visited our clinic. She couldn’t envision a future where she could achieve her career goals and raise a child. Despite coming to our clinic for subsequent rescans, she ultimately chose to travel out of state to abort her baby. Afterward, she faced emotions she was unprepared to deal with. Remembering our mention of the Passages post-abortive counseling program, she reached out to our Passages director. Though she didn’t choose life, she sought and received healing and forgiveness.

Please join us in praying that churches and pastors would stand for life, teaching from God’s Word that unborn children are a precious gift from the Lord, deserving of honor and protection. Pray that professing Christians facing unwanted pregnancies would have discernment and the courage to humbly act out of obedience to God rather than fear and selfishness. Pray that women would not believe the lie that having a baby will destroy their educational and career goals. Finally, pray that any woman that has made the choice to abort her child would come to know the forgiveness & freedom that can only be found in Christ.


The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. ~ John 10:10


Blessings in Christ and for LIFE,
Linda Stewart,
Executive Director
OKC and Guthrie